Monday, September 6, 2010


It's interesting to me how when I see the open "about me" box and I leave it blank not knowing at all how to sum my life up.

So what about me??

Well, I'm a 22 year old who lives in California, living under the same roof that my mom brought me home in. I love California but there is such a large part of me that wants something completely different then the city and beach. It all seems so loose.. Like the people and the places don't have any roots. So how could I place roots somewhere where I feel like the next breeze could whisk me and my family away? Or maybe it's just my home situation that makes me feel that now :^/ ?

On that note, I am married to a wonderful, gorgeous (and might I add, sexy) husband Michael. Our marriage is new, 10 months today in fact, and I see our future bright and clear as the first time I layed eyes on him. Together we have a beautiful son named Noah who is honestly the glimmer in my eyes. I feel like I gave birth to my heart and soul. Michael and I are Baptists who put God above everything else. Without Him, all else will crumble. He is our foundation. Our rock. Our shelter in life's storms. I would surely be nothing without these three men in my life.

Now we all have troubles in our lives. Something that we're all getting through. I'm not going to sit here and write "Oh my life is so perfect" because no ones life is.
I'm going through my first deployment with my husband. I believe we will come out more strong then we ever have. It has put us through challenges and obstacles and I'll tell you now, we conquered it all. I can proudly say that my husband is coming home to me and our son and I cant wait for his arms around me and the weight of his lips on mine. I can taste it already.

So, dealing with deployment and my own inner struggles of my severe need for Independence and my own place with my own family, away from the things that I don't want to have to witness, I would have to say Michael's coming home couldn't come a day sooner.

But!! In the mean time, I will stay on Face Book praying for that little green circle to light up, telling me that my husband is safe and we are able to talk again. And I will change every poopy diaper, make 3-4 late night bottles, deal with Noah's cranky-ness in the evening and put everyone of his needs before mine every day until my husband comes home where I can share the load. I need to remind myself that I AM indeed a woman and Michael's wife who dresses up and puts care into herself. I tend to forget that when he is away.
I pray that September passes and Summer fades quickly. I'm ready for some pumpkin picking, outdoor ice skating, mall shopping, sushi eating, Noah kissing time with my Husband.