Thursday, October 14, 2010

Coming to a close

As this deployment is coming to a rapid (but slooow) end, I been thinking about all that happened while he was away. Everything I did without his physical support here at home, also everything he has done without me being there as well. We both have grown so much in such a relatively short amount of time and soon we will be back in each others framilliar arms, but also re-getting to know each other.

I am so excited. Sad to say that my "Done" list if far shorter than my "To be done before he is back" list. Still need to clean, finish packing, laundry, and a ton other stuff including: Dental appointment.. GETTING MY BRACES OFF!! YIPEE! and something exciting that I have yet to tell my husband so that news comes later :) That will take up most of Thursday before he comes home.

In the middle of trying to get this all done, I have Noah's physical therapy, tummy time which I have renamed Hell time.. They say it works the neck muscles, but Noah just works out his lungs.

It's pretty difficult to find time for everything and still have time for the stuff I need as well. Like.. Shower? Sleep? LOL.

After I had Noah I cant eat like I used to. I used to be able to eat whatever I wanted, when I wanted. Now, it's a stomach upset if I have lunch for breakfast or eat past 8. SOOO if Noah is grumpy and goes to bed at around 8 and I haven't eaten.. I'm SOL.

Cant complain cause at least I'll be thin when Michael comes home at this rate, lmao.

I want to sleep... But I cant. I want him home and all the things I want to do when he is home is rushing through my head. He better go to sushi with me, cause I've been not eating sushi for a loooong time just so it can be extra special when we go out. Haha. I looooove our sushi dates!! And when Noah is old enough, he'll love sushi too.

Random blog! Going nuts. Going to bed.

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